10th Annual | June 11-13, 2025
Calgary, AB | Canada
Named one of the world’s 12 Best NonProfit Conferences, Western Canada Fundraising Conference (WCFC) celebrates its 10th annual gathering of formidable fundraisers and charity sector leaders from across Canada and around the world!
Premium Content
Award-winning international speakers join forces with frontline fundraising superstars to deliver informative and inspiring sessions that are both practical and profound.
Priceless Connections
You will love the cosy and caring climate we are famous for and will be instantly welcomed into our WCFCommunity – a generous group of colleagues that support each other all year long!
Watch this spot for our latest speaker announcements.
You save
while we plan!
You can reserve your spot at the 10th annual Western Canada Fundraising Conference, WCFC25 while we’re hard at work planning for June.
Just imagine how much more good you will be able to do with your $300 in Early bird savings!
CFRE Points
The WCFC25 program is in development and will be submitted to CFRE International for evaluation in 2025.
Full participation in WCFC24 was applicable for 17.0 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.
Airline Partners
Conference attendees receive exclusive discounts on travel to WCFC25 on your choice of TWO partner airlines!
Hotel Partners
Conference attendees receive exclusive discounts on accommodations for WCFC25!
Past WCFC programmes
Curious about our previous conference content and speakers? Click the links below!
Simone Joyaux WCFC Award
Work for a charity with a tiny budget? Come for FREE!
For Free? For real!
Named in memory of our conference cornerstone, Simone Joyaux, this award recognizes Simone’s passion for building our profession through sharing our cumulative ‘body of knowledge’.
Our Partners
Presenting Partner
Prime Partners
Print, Mail Marketing & Postage Partner
Pioneering Partner
Pioneering Partner